Cat Bus

It was a dark & not so stormy night... a soft, rolling fog settles over a sleepy town. In the distance, a gentle glow blooms in the horizon, carrying with it a haunting tone.
Suddenly, a silhouette peeks through, casting a long shadow in your direction. The surrounding glow intensifies at a steady rate, only outpaced by your growing sense of dread. The figure moves closer and closer, the blazing glow now emanating from its head. The haunting tone shifts to a howling cackle, so harsh it drops you to the ground.
The figure now stands over you, raising its glowing disembodied head above its body. It stops cackling for a brief moment, turning its head directly toward you, and screams…

Red Panda Forest

Go Get em Tiger!

Radical Rat!
With a little creative engineering, this little Pizza Rat knows how to make a quick getaway!

Serenity Now!
This Honey-loving bear sure found itself in a sticky situation. Despite the potential danger, it became one with the buzzing and achieved blissful zen!

Sweet Leaf
We're not sure what it is about catnip, but it has a peculiar effect on most cats! This one just wants to take it easy, man!

Cat Stevens
There are few things in life that make the perfect pairing;
Macaroni & Cheese. Burger & Fries. Butter & Toast. Your favorite artist + your favorite headphones.

Cat's Game
Here are a pair of fierce felines locked in a ferocious battle!

Noise Pollution!
Bunnies are usually associated with being soft and quiet. This little one is ready to break that stereotype!

Fiery Monkey!
2016 is the year of the Red Fire Monkey, so the chef is preparing his classic Sichuan Boiled Fish!

Blissful Beats

Just Another Sunday Afternoon
What better way to spend a lazy Sunday than inviting a friend over for a book-sharing, record-listening, cookies & tea tasting, afternoon picnic?

Built to Scale

Best Seat in the Universe

Moto Mutts (Scooter)
1 of 2 pieces for the Doggie Wonderland charity show at Leanna Lin's Wonderland, curated by Supahcute. All proceeds benefitting the Ken-Mar Rescue organization!
Ink & Watercolor
5"x 7"

Moto Mutts (Sidecar)
1 of 2 pieces for the Doggie Wonderland charity show at Leanna Lin's Wonderland, curated by Supahcute. All proceeds benefitting the Ken-Mar Rescue organization!
Ink & Watercolor
6"x 8"

Caffe Moto

Leaf Umbrella

Going the Distance

Cat and the Fiddle
Painting for the "Bedtime Stories" exhibition at Leanna Lin's Wonderland, curated by Joey Chou.

Cat in Black

Cat in Black Apprehends the Cagey Bunny

I Love You, California
The California Grizzly bear was an intimidating and majestic animal; legend has it that their epic guitar solos would ring throughout the mountainside, signaling the end of winter. When a group of Grizzlies gathered, the ensuing jam session would send tremors up and down the state.

Look at Me! Look at Me Now!
Mixed media illustration for Gallery Nucleus’s tribute to Dr. Seuss exhibition.

Suspended in a Sunbeam
For the Small World tribute exhibition at Gallery Nucleus, I combined a few of the key iconic elements from the Small World facade into its own tiny little world.
Made from hand-cut paper and gold ink.

Forever, Just Because!
A tribute piece to that lovable sock puppet, Lamb Chop!
Laser cut paper, wood & acrylic paint